But, what is even more fascinating is the fact that the same environment that shows toxicity for one person, could be totally safe for another. We are the ones who create the “perception of our environment”. And this perception is what truly matters. It actually matters more than the environment itself. Dr. Bruce Lipton, the famous cell biologist, says that there are hundreds of ways our genes can express themselves, and it is our beliefs, thoughts and perceptions, that triggers the chosen gene expression.
To summarize our wellness formula, then, we can say that: Our thoughts and perceptions create your beliefs, which are reflected on our physical environment which in turn affects your physiological response and cell biology. Amazing, isn't it?
But, wait a minute, it doesn’t end here.
Recent studies are now pointing at the fact that our perceptions and beliefs aren’t just function of our brains. In 1991, Dr. Andrew Armour, the pioneer in neurocardiology, introduced the concept of “heartbrain”. This “heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons” that gather, assess, analyze, and /or feel external and internal stimuli and information and send them to the brain influencing our physical, emotional, psychological and mental health and well being. They also influence the way we handle and deal with information, our choices, decisions, cognitive process, intelligence and awareness.
Research at the Institute of Heart Math (IHM) shows that our hearts are the masters of rhythm generation in our bodies. When our hearts are in balance, our whole system follows suit. The simple practice of starting your day with intention, gratitude and care, brings you to this place of stillness where your heart rhythm can find better coherence. It’s about slowing down and taking the chance to pause and ponder… to breathe and choose.
When they work in harmony, our heart whispers and our mental reasonings collaborate and synchronize for an optimum physical, psychological and mental achievement. When in harmony, this coherence is reflected not only on our mood and emotional wellness, but also on our hormonal secretions, cardiovascular system performance, digestive and respiratory health, and immune functions.
So, we have to rewrite our wellness formula: It’s our heart that generates our guiding overall insight which makes us choose your thoughts and perceptions, which in their turn create our beliefs, which are reflected on our physical environment that affects our physiological response and cell biology.
Take away of the week:
Find balance in your heart,
you will find it in your life.
Have a great week!