If you are still young, great!!! You’re just on time to start making positive changes in your lifestyle. And if you are already in your late adulthood, it’s never too late to start. Our body has an amazing power of self-healing.
Here are some quick advices to start with:
1. Physical activity:
Twenty to thirty minutes of moderate physical activity five times a week is highly recommended. It strengthens your muscles and improves the functions of your body systems. Physical activity enhances heart performance, circulation and respiration, gives strength, suppleness and endurance. It increases the flow of the lymphatic system helping the elimination of body waste, boosting natural immunity and regenerating body cells and tissues. In addition, exercises enhance the production of natural endorphins which are brain hormone-like substances responsible for the feeling of satisfaction and wellbeing and relieving stress.
Caloric needs usually decrease with age since the metabolic rate slows down and the general physical activity is reduced, but the nutritional needs do not change. This means that the body needs to get the same amount of nutrients from fewer calories. Generally, we need:
- 6 servings from the grains & cereals group. Choose whole grains and avoid refined sugars.
- At least 3 servings from the vegetables group and 2 servings from the fruits group.
- 2 servings from the meat and beans group preferably from vegetable proteins and fish.
- And 2 servings from the milk and dairy group
You need to drink enough water. Your body needs at least 6-8 cups daily. Also you need to include enough fibers in your food from fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to aid digestion and prevent constipation.
Another point of attention is adequate antioxidant intake (vitamin C, ß-carotenes, vitamin E and selenium) in order to protect body cells and tissues. A wide range of antioxidants are found in foods from plant origin, and a balanced healthy diet is usually the best source that can supply your need.
Next time, I’ll continue with more tips on mind, heart, and spirit health.
Have a great day!!!