James Maskell –The Evolution of Medicine
All traditional medicine/ cultures placed community and belonging at the base of the pyramid of human needs… it is the foundation on which your whole life stands… it is essential to your life as your food and shelter… it is how we feel safety and security… We lost this meaning in our ‘modern’ civilized world… we lost it in the rush of everyday life and in the noisy buzz of social media… we lost it in the clutter of our own mind…
In his book ‘Tribe: On home coming & belonging”, S. Junger argues: “For many people, war feels better than peace, hardship can turn out to be a great blessing and disasters are sometimes remembered more fondly than weddings. Humans don’t mind hardship, in fact they thrive on it; what they mind is not feeling necessary. Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary.”
How do I know that this is essential?
Look at the sky-rocketing rates of mental illnesses… The rates of depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety and schizophrenia are directly proportionate to the rate of affluence and ‘civilization’ of a society…
As we became more ‘civilized’, our hearts grew further apart…
As we stuffed our plated and over fed our bodies, we starved our souls and depleted our spirits…
This is my invitation for all of us today to connect… connect on a deeper soulful level… an invitation for us to care again, love again, belong again… an invitation for us to unite…
Start with your family… gather around your kitchen table tonight and just talk… laugh… share stories, dreams and hopes… Then, extend the circle to your friends, your community, your society… let’s build our circles of love… let’s draw them together… let those circles expand and touch each other… let them fuse into bigger and bigger circles of care and peace that will heal us and heal our world.