Are you running like the poor hamster in a wheel not even knowing why you are running and where you are heading?
Do you feel like life is dragging you along a path you didn’t choose?
Do you feel tired, depleted, and even depressed at times?
I’ve been there, in fact, I’ve lived in there for years… this seems to be the typical ‘modern’ lifestyle.
We’re always doing, doing and doing some more…
You know what broke this vicious cycle for me? it was finding my voice, finding my true-life meaning, mission and passion... Finding a bigger picture, a bigger meaning to live for.
Steven Pressfield wrote in his book ‘The War of Art’: “If tomorrow morning by stroke of magic every dazed and benighted soul woke up with the power to take the first step toward pursuing his or her dreams, every shrink in the directory would be out of business. Prisons would stand empty. The alcohol and tobacco industries would collapse, along with the junk food, cosmetic surgery, and infotainment businesses, not to mention pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and the medical profession from top to bottom. Domestic abuse would become extinct, as would addiction, obesity, migraine headaches, road rage, and dandruff.”
But the question remain, how and where can I find my voice, my passion and my life meaning? How can I see the big picture?
I am afraid the answer is not easy or straightforward. It is not in a workshop, a book or a seminar… Your voice is not hidden behind a tree or buried in an enchanted forest… you can’t find it by reading self-help text or even by journaling day and night nor by meditating and exhaling your fears and worries out – although all those tools are helpful and even essential- the only way for you to find your true voice, passion and meaning is by doing the work… by going out there, meeting people, experimenting, working, failing, standing up again, working again, failing again, trying some more and failing some more… Our failures are our greatest teachers, not our successes… Our voice is waves in motion … stagnation kills it… even when motion is not always pretty, not always easy, and the path is not always clear… we have to keep going … We have to do it any way!
H. Ruumet says: “A flower does not strive to bloom. It does not consult botanical experts about being a better bloomer. Nor does it ponder whether it should become a rose or a daisy. Given the right environment, it blooms naturally and it blooms into the kind of flower its seed meant it to be”
It is your job to create this ‘right’ environment as much as you can and you, my friend, will definitely bloom… Take the decision now to shed all worries and fears… our soul knows how to bloom, all you need to do is allowing it! Take the decision to do the needed work every day even if you do not feel like it... Take the decision to keep going even if the path seems blurry and your steps are shaky... Take the decision and keep going my friend, the world is waiting for what you have to offer!