The answer is very hard… It’s hard because there is no magic pill for heartbreak, desperation or life struggles… Yet, there is a universal prescription: Just Do It!
By Just Do It I don’t mean to force yourself to do the daily chores that deplete you even further and I am certainly not asking you to smother yourself in in a fake gratitude and satisfaction bubble that self-help gurus advocate and which end up by you beating yourself up for not being good enough and not having enough will power… It is not about being good enough… it is not about how spiritual, evolved or grateful you are…
Sometimes our souls are so depleted, our hearts are barren and our bodies just purely ache… We’re human… when we reach this rock bottom, the least we can do is acknowledge our human weakness and vulnerability… the least we can do is stop beating ourselves up for not being good enough… the least we can do is start loving ourselves a bit more, caring for ourselves a bit more… this is the start…. Pause… Breathe… And, take the decision now… The decision to take care of ‘You’… to nurture ‘You’… to love ‘You’… this is not selfishness… You are worthy… you are enough… you are loved by the Divine who created you and He will protect you, guide you and take care of you… you only have to take this decision… the decision to Just Do It! Gently, slowly but steadily Just Do It!
Take one step… one tiny step baby step everyday… Promise yourself that you’re going to take this tiny step everyday… Write it down every night before you go to bed and rewrite it in the morning… Don’t just think about it or mentally decide… you need to actually write it down… something magical happens when we write things down with our hands in a journal… This actually changes your neurons' connections and opens new doors of possibilities… Believe me… even if you don’t want to try journaling for now or you don’t have the energy to do it… just do this… write down 1 tiny step you are going to do tomorrow… it could be anything: go for a 10-minutes walk; have a cup of coffee in your favourite café; buy some acrylic paint; order that book from amazon; update your CV on linkedIn; prepare a healthy salad; call your mum; send that email… Any tiny step… Write it down and Just Do It!
If you find yourself unable to do it… start with an even tinnier step… Sometimes even this tiny step is so hard… It’s the same old story of the chicken or the egg… which came first? Do we need motivation and will power to get out of bed and live our life or do we need to get out of bed and live our life to generate motivation and strengthen our will power? I believe the latter to be more true… Although it’s a cycle… like a small gear in an old rusty machine… You need to push it into movement… tiny little pushes that crack the layers of rust and initiate the momentum… once in motion, the gear will push another bigger one which in turn pushes another one and soon the cycle automatically flows again… As Brandon Burchard says: “The Power Plant does not have energy, it generates energy”… and to generate energy, you need to start the movement… Tiny little pushes… Just Do It!