“No you’re not, she commented ‘empathetically’, with the treatment, you 'may' be okay.”
At home, we started immediately on the prescribed medication. Nothing made the inflammation go away. The swelling progressed and he started complaining from an even poorer eye sight. Two days later, we decided to consult another specialist. At the physician’s office, my son set anxious and fretting with his blood-red eyes bulging and staring.
After another thorough checkup, the doctor finally spoke: “It’s an acute allergic reaction. It’s probably due to the changing weather. Normal in this time of the year,” he declared calmly.
“No infection?” I asked worriedly
“No antibiotic? Cortisone? Degeneration? Serious complications?”
“What are you talking about? It’s just an allergy. All you need is some anti-histamines!”
At home, before even administering the first eye drop, Youssof’s eyes looked much better. The swelling was already subsiding and the redness disappearing. One day later, his eyes were back to normal, Alhmdullellah!!!
When psychologists, new age gurus and alternative medicine advocates claim that’s ‘all in your mind”, most of us take it offensively. We perceive it as reason to blame ourselves and start endless self-sabotage causing us to carry a burden even heavier then the disease itself. If we look on the positive side, though, our mind has the tremendous power to heal. Taking responsibility for our health and wellness is an alien concept in this Hi-Tech world. We are seeking a magic pill from our physician (or nowadays a magic touch from our healer) to gain health, wealth and/or happiness.
Increasing scientific evidence are proving how self-affirmations, guided imagery, adjusted intention, and optimism can boost immunity, control cancer-cell growth, lower hypertension, and even prevent plaque formation in our arteries. Mere words, like that of my son’s first ophthalmologist, can destroy a whole system, while simple affirmations can restore wellbeing.
Our thoughts are actual material entities (not yet classified by our physical terminology) that have the unlimited potent power to change physical reality, in shaa Allah (with God’s Will).
The well documented placebo effect shows us how our body can produce the specific internal chemicals needed for healing in the exact required dose and in the perfect timing. The main key is Belief, i.e. your state of mind. If you believe in a dummy pill, it will achieve wonders, and, on the other hand, if you doubt the effect of a potent antibiotic, it won’t do you any good. The latter is also a well documented scientific phenomenon often referred to as the ‘nocebo’ effect.
So, when someone tells you: ‘it’s all in your mind’, look at the full half of the glass and dig for your amazing mental abilities that will help you heal your body and your whole life.