- The root chakra with its relation to basic human needs including safety, security, and belonging.
- The heart with the feeling of love (including self-love) and intimacy with ourselves, with others and with God.
- The throat chakra where your higher creativity is located, where you connect to your authentic voice and feel empowered to announce this voice to your surrounding while balancing your will and power with the Divine will.
If you find yourself falling sick over and over again, catching every “virus” in the air, you need to pay attention to what has been brewing beneath the surface of your conscious mind. Low immunity is linked to deep underlying grief… Grief has so many levels and is manifested in different shapes and forms. It is related to feelings of helplessness, despair, resentment, and dissatisfaction. Those feelings don’t only affect our emotional and mental wellbeing, they also deeply affect our physical health. Our inability or unwillingness to fight emotional and mental threats translates into an inability to fight environmental and physical threats. When your Body Whispers, it’s time to pause, listen and reflect. It’s time to make some choices and decisions.
And, as usual, don’t ignore the physical side of any “whispers”. You still need to support your body with healthy food, lifestyle, and even medications when required. If you missed it, here are my 30 tips for healthy immunity
And, this is my favourite immune boosting smoothie