OK! Now, happiness challenge number 2! What's your BIG DREAM?
If you have been following me for some time, you probably know how I insist on journaling... Many women hate me for this but they love me after they see the effect on their lives... I am not asking you to journal today... but today challenge is writing down your BIG DREAM in your journal.
Happiness studies on Harvard students showed that the difference between happy and unhappy students was that happy students had a big dream or a big vision that they look forward to and they take steady baby steps towards it.
Today your mission -if you choose to accept it- is to take few minutes to dream big... if money, time or space were no objections; if anything was possible, what would you like to BE, DO and HAVE in your life? What is your big audacious dream?
Don't be afraid to DREAM BIG... don't censor yourself and don't allow this tiny little annoying voice in your head to stop you... I don't care if your dream is to build the first hooka lounge on the moon or travel the world in 80 seconds... Write it down! And share with us on this post... Who knows may be you will find someone who will help you take the first step!
Writing down your dream and announcing it to the world give the message to your subconscious mind that you are serious, so you will start noticing opportunities, chances, ideas that you didn't see before... it will seem like magic but it is not magic, it is science...
"You'll see it when you believe it!"