Sometimes, time is just passing us by…nothing new… nothing exciting… Hours follow hours… Days follow days… months and even years… We’re getting older; our hearts are sinking in our chests… Our brains’ chatter is torturing us with negativity and pessimism… What am I doing wrong? We wonder… What’s next?
If this is how you feel sometimes my friend, than know that you are not alone… We all pass by this time of our life. You can look at it as depressing, down time or you can consider it, as a friend of mine says, an incubation period… An essential period in our creativity cycle… A period that precedes all the ‘AHA’ moments!!!
When you reach your incubation period, you know that it’s time to stop… Time to breathe…
Close your eyes… take a deep breath… inhale slowly... and, as you let the air is go out, visualize it carrying with it all worries, pain, boredom, and negativity driving them away… far… far away from you… from your life… Pause… Inhale again slowly…draw fresh air filled with calm and peace… filled with compassion and love… compassion for yourself and love for who you really are… concentrate on your breath for just few minutes or as long as you wish… just breathe… Breathe in calm and serenity and breathe out anxiety and worries… Calmly and gently, breathe out any intruding thoughts or negative emotions.
Breath is an amazing healing tool… Just breathing… Try it… few seconds are enough for total rejuvenation and restoration. It brings you back to your centre of balance… To the here and now. It connects you to your own inner wisdom, grounds you in your body and generates marvellous mind self-renewal abilities.
In many languages –including Arabic- the word ‘breath’ (nafas) share the same root as the word ‘soul’ (nafs). Breathing is your first step for soul restoration… for total balance and amazing power.
In our stressful, hectic modern life, no wonder we lose our sense of balance as we lost our breath. We rarely have the time or the energy to just sit calmly and breathe…. To calm our minds and give room for our creative powers to percolate… It’s as simple as that, believe me. Try it for yourself and see how amazing power it brings.
Sometimes, we think that the answer to our problems, depression, sadness and stresses is to work more, achieve more, strive more, push harder, dig deeper… Whereas, the answer is much simpler… Slow down… Get centered… Breathe!
Breathing helps us simplify and balance our life; it helps us reconnect with the miracle of our mere existence and enjoy the feelings of grace and gratitude. Sometimes the answer is not in ‘doing’, it is just in ‘being’!