It will be sweet and brief as I know we’re all busy.
To follow along, you will need a blank-page journal or sketch book and some basic colours or collage materials. Every month we will explore a theme. You will start with an art exercise. Then, you’ll move to a story that will usually be some symbolic take on the theme. Finally, some common Body whispers® related to the topic we’re exploring.
This month we are exploring Fear, Letting Go & Trust.
There is no right or wrong answer nor right of wrong way of doing it. Your art could be realistic or abstract… don’t worry about the drawing skills… don’t worry about colouring inside the lines, perspective or proportions… just freely capture the feelings you are experiencing.
Take your time and then jot down any words that come to mind.
Now, look at your art:
- What colour did you use? What texture? What shapes?
- How strong, sharp, heavy or light are the colours, lines and shapes? How strong, sharp, heavy or light is your fear?
- Is it contained or pervasive?
- What triggers it?
- What calms it down?
- How does it block/ stand in your way?
- If you want to add yourself to the page, where would you be?
Story: It is Written in the Sand
The Stream has been through a lot on his journey and was certain that he can pull through this one too. So, he tried and tried; and the more he tried to cross the desert, the faster he kept sinking into its Sands… the Stream’s waters were disappearing and the Stream was gradually fading away… it was scary!
The Stream knew that he was meant to cross the desert… but, he had no idea how… And, he began to wonder why… Why was he facing such a hard task? Why can’t he just continue flowing as he used to? This is when the Stream heard a gentle subtle voice that seems to come from afar … the voice whispered: “the Wind crosses the desert, so can you.”
“But, the Wind can fly,” replied the Stream, “it can flow over those harsh arid Sands that keep sucking the life out of me.”
“Maybe you’re pushing too hard,” whispered the voice,
“maybe you need to let go… To trust.”
“But, what would I be if I let go?” Wondered the Stream.
“If you just allow yourself to be absorbed in the Wind, it can happily carry you to wherever you are meant to be.”
The Stream fiercely objected, letting go meant losing control… it meant facing the unknown… it meant embracing the change that is taking place … a scary ambiguous change.
Yet, what will he be if he does not let go? Continuing to push against the harshness of the Sands is futile. He will soon be absorbed away or turned into a swampland.
It was a hard choice to make… After all, the Stream only knew one way of flowing… one way of knowing. All his life, he has been flowing in his old familiar way… he has been knowing in his old knowable way... he was free, or so, he thought… he had never relinquished his control before… “Will I remain the same Stream that I am today?”
“Your essence will never change… whether you become a new stream, a lake, or a river… whether you choose to sink in the Sands or turn into swamp or marsh... you are and will always remain you… your secret… your most essential you.”
“How do I know that this is true?”
“You need to trust.”
The Stream was more confused than ever… So many questions needed to be asked. But, the answer did not come from the faraway whispers this time, the answer came from deep within. The Stream vaguely remembered once upon a time far faraway when he was held by the caring Wind… it felt safe… it felt true… or, did it?
And, the Stream allowed his waters to be absorbed in the Wind… and, the Wind gently carried the waters to the mountaintops far faraway. The Stream was watching and learning... He was flowing like he had never flown before… He was knowing like he had never known before...
The Stream still did not know where the Wind is carrying him… And, he still did not know what or how he’ll end up being… But, it felt true… it felt real… it felt safe. The Stream somehow knew that he still was and will always remain the Stream that he had always been and he also knew that he no longer was and will never remain the Stream he had ever been.
And, on his journey up to the mountaintops, he heard the familiar gentle voice whisper again, “We have always known, because we see it happen all the time."
And, this is why it is said that the journey of your Stream of Life is written in the Sands.
*The story is from Tales of the Dervishes by Idris Shah
Reflection & Journaling Prompts:
- What do you need to let go of?
- What is your relationship with trust?
- Do you trust yourself and your judgements?
- Do you trust God? What does trusting Him means to you?
What “first step” you need to take now towards pursuing your dream?
Body Whispers
Knees problems hide an underlying sense of fear, worry and insecurity. You are missing the feeling of belonging, integration, and grounding ... the feeling of being part of a secure, safe family, community or society.
Knees pain signals some reluctance or unwillingness to move forward or change direction especially when you feel unsupported by your family or community, you feel that you are flowing against the current and striving to change what cannot/would not be changed.
Knees also start to ‘whisper’ when there are some major changes going on in your life. It could be some material change or changes in beliefs and thinking pattern… when your beliefs about what is true and valuable in life are challenged by your reality, community and environment… When your identity and self-worth are at stake or questioned.
If your knees are causing you problems, you need to start asking yourself where in my life do I need to surrender more? What do I need to let go of? Do I need to be more flexible and understanding? Am I being stubborn, hindering life flow with ease and spontaneity?
What fears am I storing: is it fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of being not enough, fear of criticism, fear of breaking hearts or crushing dreams?
Knees problems could also signal some form of conflict with the ego, a prideful unwillingness to give up or give in. Pride doesn’t always mean arrogance, sometimes pride denotes the inability to accept our human limitation as we keep fighting, struggling and banging our head against a wall in a futile battle.
When your kidneys start to whisper, your body is trying to tell you that you are harbouring too much fears, especially fears related to safety, financial security and worry about tomorrow.
People with kidney problems are experiencing a growing feeling of vulnerability, they feel lonely and unsupported. They fear being left alone in the world. They also harbour lots of negative emotions that they are unable or unwilling to release: worry, resentment, criticism, self doubt, self-blame and frustrations. They fear that they won’t be good enough or that they might fail.