Knees pain signals some reluctance or unwillingness to move forward or change direction especially when you feel un-supported by your family or community, you feel that you are flowing against the current and striving to change the norms.
Knees also start to ‘whisper’ when there are some major changes going on in your life. It could be physical change or changes in beliefs and thinking pattern… when your beliefs about what is true and valuable in life are challenged by your reality, community and environment… When your identity and self-worth are at stake or questioned.
If your knees are causing you problems, you need to start asking yourself where in my life do I need to surrender more? What do I need to let go of? Do I need to be more flexible and understanding? I am being stubborn and refusing to let life flow with ease and spontaneity?
What fears am I storing: is it fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being not enough, fear of criticism, fear of breaking hearts or crushing dreams?
Knees problems shows some form of conflict with the ego, a prideful unwillingness to give up or give in. Pride doesn’t always mean arrogance, sometimes pride denotes the inability to accept our human limitation and keep fighting and struggling and banging our head against a wall in a lost battle.