But your heart’s mirror won’t reflect this sun
Don’t you know why we can’t perceive it here?
Your mirror is rusty - scrape it clear!”
كم بصدري من معان غالية
لكن المرآة ليست حاكية
إن مرآتك غامت دنسا
صدأ الطلع عليها طمسا
How do I scape this mirror clear?
How do I even know how rusty it is?
How do I know that its reflections are real not mere illusions?
The mysterious world is so mysterious… it is hidden behind the veil… well hidden out of sight. What about all those who think they “know”… who claim that they’ve already reached the “destination”… Maybe some did… but most didn’t.
“Say, “Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in their works? Those whose efforts in this world are misguided, while they assume that they are doing well. It is they who rejected the communications of their Lord, and the encounter with Him. So their works are in vain.” (18: 103-105)
Those verses are scary…
How do we know whether our blessings are “respite” (3: 178)?
I pray that I would never be among those greatest losers whose efforts are misguided.
O God! Grant me gratitude and humility…
God! I know you are there, I love You and I know You love me… God, guide me to Your Path! Let me know you and be humbly your slave through your blessings and love and mercy and not through trials and challenges…
اللهم اجعلني أمة احسانك وليس أمة امتحانك يا رب
May all the knowledge and blessings and sustenance You bestow upon me be a doorway for Heaven in this world and the Next… Scrape my heart’s mirror clean with Your love and mercy and let it reflect Your light beyond measure. Amen